Social Media Marketing


Website Content

Content is used here to describe text, pictures, video and any other meaningful material that is on the Internet.

Using social media for marketing means investing the time, talent and tools that communicators have used with static media to drive results.

Examples of this include having copy written and reviewed by more then one set of eyes, using clean design principles and working to insure that one's best image is produced and projected. 

Since there is less checks and balances then have been used by traditional media has used, there is a "Pandora's Box" principle and consideration at work.

It is considered best practice for those using social media to have a strong internal content filter and not post ideas, commentary or content that would generally effect people's perception of them. 

It is far easier for one to log in to their favorite forum and shoot opinions straight from the hip. Posting controversial opinions, no matter how deeply held, are readily accessible for all who have Internet access. Once posted, these thoughts have a life of their own. Anyone who does a simple search using any conventional search engine may find them. 

Content is one of the three big C's (content, commerce, and community), and Web sites often get judged and rated on the quality, quantity, and navigational flow of this information. A favorite quote in the industry is "Content is king" because without the content, there would be nothing to read or view on the Internet.

Information, on a Web site or Web page that changes often, usually daily or each time a user reloads or returns to the page. It is also content that is structured based on user input.

For example, when you search with keywords on a search engine, the results you get are on a "dynamic" page, based on the words you typed into a form on the previous page.

Dynamic Web sites are usually driven by Web application environments, such as active server pages or CFML, and the content is taken from a database each time a page request is made.

Content is king and must be included in any internet or social media advertsing and marketing plans.

Budget: Keeping content up to date, $300 - $1,000 a week

Recommendation Link #1:

Make Your Content Vital Reading... Now!

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