Social Media Marketing


Web Meetings

Web Meetings are important in social networking in at least two ways.

First, they accelerate the process of people getting to know each other.
Second, the open and fluid style of social media is making those using it impatient with committee-style meetings and conferences dominated by platform speakers.

With a little commitment it is possible to agree some meeting topics beforehand, circulate material, capture discussion at the time, carry on discussions afterwards ... or maybe not have the meeting at all. Use Voice over IP, chat, instant messaging ... or even a get-together in a virtual world.

Millions of people connect on the Internet every day. Making a new cooking buddy, finding somewhere to hang out on a Friday night, locating fellow homebrewers, or finding your future love work!

People are meeting at all different places in the internet. Facebook. Myspace. LinkedIn. Twitter.

They may not be formal web meetings places, but people are meeting and doing legitimate business. Helping each other and helping themselves.

Budget an hour or two a month in your marketing plans to attend web meetings. You never know who you'll meet and what could come of it.

$25 - $100 a month

Recommendation Link #1:

Set your ideas in motion with online meetings.

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