Direct Response Marketing


Voice Mail Messages

Voice Mail Messages is a recorded message you speak to someone you called who did not answer themselves or in your voice-mail greetings to incoming callers.

Voicemail has taken over the world. Everyone is hidding behind voicemail, so we need to learn to leave messages that get returned.

When you leave  a voice mail message, be brief and get to the point.

Given the listener a reason to reply or call back again.

Let the listener know how to reach you, leave your return number and speak it slow and clear.

It's takes some time and planning to test a few different messages. One will get you more return calls then the others. Once you find the winner, keep trying to improve it.

Budget a few hours to develop a few different messages $25 - $100 quarterly


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Recommendation Link #2:

How To Leave Voice Mail Messages
That Get Returned (And Get Results!)

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