Direct Response Marketing


Toll-Free Phone Number

A toll-free phone number is a phone number that provide clients and others with a means of communicating with you or your business at no charge; instead, the business that maintains the toll-free line pays all costs associated with the line.

Toll-free numbers in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) are sometimes called "One-800 numbers" after the original area code that was used to dial them. They include the area codes 800 since 1967, 888 (since 1996), 877 (since 1998), and 866 (since 2000). Area codes reserved for future expansion include: 855 , 844, 833, 822, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887 and 889.

A toll-free telephone number makes your company more accessible to clients, customers, employees, and business associates. It enhances a business's image as a successful, professional company, and many experts contend that it shows clients that customer service is an important component of the business's operating philosophy.

Obtaining a toll-free number is a relatively simple process. You simply request one from you local or long-distance phone company. The cost of getting and maintaining a toll-free line will vary depending on geographic region and the amount of calls that come toll-free number,

Plan on adding a toll-free telephone number to your upcoming marketing. Your clients will appreciate that you care enough about them to make it easy to communicate with you and your business.

Budget: $100 - $250 per month