Direct Response Marketing


Shared Cost Co-op Joint Mailings

Shared Cost  mailings, joint malings or co-op mailing is where literature is distributed to addresses in a “packet” with other advertising literature. A great example is Valpac or Advo mailer.

Sometimes, joint mailing, or mailing along with another company, is the only way to get in touch with a highly coveted list of known buyers. For this reason, joint mailing is a fairly common among frequent direct mailers.

Sometimes a group of businesses or a chamber of commerce or an association will join together, develop the marketing plans to create their individual flyers and share their customer's addresses, or split the cost of a list rental. And, most important, split the postage on joint mailings. Each business paying less compared to doing individual mailings.

I believe that all businesses should do their own shared-cost, co-op mailings.

A dentist, chiropractor, dermatologist, optometrist, podiatrist, etc., are logical co-op candidates.  All of the stores in a shopping center, carpet cleaners, gardeners and plumbers, just to name a few more, are candidates for co-op mailings.

I’ve always believed and suggested to everyone that all merchants can have a much greater impact by working together rather than individually. 

This is an affordable alternative to add to your advertising and marketing plans to stand-alone direct mail and will make your marketing dollars go much further.

Budget: $500 - $5,000 per month