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Payment Options

Payment plans include using terms over and above cash in full at the close of the transaction as ways to generate and close a sales transaction.

With any option for payment, it is best to have guidelines and policies so that individual emotions, judgements or relationships don’t become the standards under which such decisions are made.

It is best that these decisions are made in advance so that circumstances don’t always change them.

One way of offering payment options  is to offer multiple payment options and making it easy for visitors to find those options.

For starters, you should offer customers the ability to pay with any major credit card as well as with debit cards. The cards you should accept include Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card and American Express. The ability to accept American Express is particularly important if you run a B2B business. If you sell on line to consumers, you should also accept PayPal.

When accepting online orders, you should make your phone number clearly visible and have an order form available for customers to print out and mail in with their payment. Although millions of people buy online, there are still many who choose not to buy on the Internet, or whose company policies won't allow them to buy online.


  • For what reasons will I offer payment plans. For what reasons will I not?

  • Are there specific criteria I want fulfilled, such as a credit application?

  • What information am I looking for to decide whether or not they will pay according to terms?

 Budget: $50 - $500 monthly