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  Direct Response Marketing


Marriage/Joint Mailings

Marriage mailings, joint malings or co-op mailing is where literature is distributed to addresses in a “packet” with other advertising literature. A great example is Valpac or Advo mailer.

Sometimes, joint mailing, or mailing along with another company, is the only way to get in touch with a highly coveted list of known buyers. For this reason, joint mailing is a fairly common among frequent direct mailers.

Sometimes a group of businesses or a chamber of commerce or an association will join together, develop the marketing plans to create their individual flyers and share their customer's addresses, or split the cost of a list rental. And, most important, split the postage on joint mailings. Each business paying less compared to doing individual mailings.

This is an affordable alternative to add to your advertising and marketing plans to stand-alone direct mail and will make your marketing dollars go much further.

Budget: $500 - $5,000 per month