Public Relations


Magazine Articles

Positive PR for your company is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to promote your business. Industry publications, such as magazines, in your target markets are the top priority for this type of marketing. There are many ways to launch this type of marketing effort.

First, you need to tell your story – how and why you started your company. Every entrepreneur has a unique story; what is yours? Then, research the publications you want to target and make contacts.

A note of caution: this takes some time and may not initially yield any results. That is ok. Don’t give up. You really need to talk to the publisher and this is difficult.

However, there is a better way.

Consider using a press release system to reach the right people.

Writers and editors from across the country and around the world are always seeking content for particular articles. These publishers use tools such as posted press releases to connect them with the subject story they are seeking. This can be done locally as well. You simply need to utilize the tools that connect you with the right people.

The PR and attention you can get from a published article can reap you huge bonuses.

Budget: $250 - $1,000 per article