Direct Response Marketing


List Management & Brokerage

List management is the process of selling mailing lists.

List management includes the tasks of publishing data cards and maximizing sales through promotional efforts.

It also includes the responsibility of processing orders, coordinating approvals with the list owner, and coordinating fulfillment with the list owner's service bureau.

A business with a list may choose to manage the list in-house, or hire an outside list management company.

The list owner also has the option of securing a list brokerage firm to handle the rental process in exchange for a percentage commission, usually 20 percent or so of the total price.

A list management company is typically hired tp market your house mailing list of customers and prospects. They promote your list to businesses, agencies, list brokers, consultants, and others looking to rent mailing and marketing lists.

A list management company represents mailing lists, email lists, and telemarketing lists and gets a list management fee every time the list is rented from their recommendation.

Using the right list management company and renting your house list can add significant income to your bottom line.

The average mailing list rents from $75 to $150 per thousand names, unique or highly specialized lists can rent for significantly more! As the list owner, you get this income minus a small fee that goes to the list management company.

Recommendation Link #1:

How To Market Your House List For Maximum Profits

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