

Handout Advertising

An advertising handout is exactly as it sounds.

You handout a sample to passerby’s, a brochure to prospects or a coffee cup on an appointment.
It’s one-on-one marketing.  Direct marketing.

Handouts are given away an many tradeshows.

Sometimes you only get a quick moment to talk to the prospect, other times you get a longer time to make your case.

A handout is an effective way to introduce you products/services.
Typically a handout will have a list of benefits and many of the features you are offering.

Don’t forget the headline.
A headline is what helps the reader decide if her/she os going to investigate further to discover if they continue reading the handout.

What can you handout to advertise your products, services and ideas?

Are handouts in your advertising and marketing plans?

Budget: Production $50 - $250; Printing: $100 - $500