Direct Response Marketing


Free Samples

This is a marketing method where you give free samples of your product to get it into your customers’ hands, so they can use it and experience its value and benefit.

Once this occurs, these customers will hopefully begin or continue to purchase your product.

One popular version of this technique is in your local retail store. If a company has a new product on the retail shelf, you may see a promotional display near the shelf location touting your product, with a salesperson explaining the benefits of the product and handing out free samples to shoppers.

If it is a food product, they can taste it and make an immediate purchase. For example, walking around Costco, thye offer samples of many different food items, and the person handing out the samples, will give the you price and location of the item.

If other than a food product, such as a cleaner, the free sample could be accompanied by a coupon, or the sample could actually be attached to the product itself. The point is that the consumer can try the product for free before making the purchase decision.

Free samples can also be delivered using direct response marketing using  the postal service, or a courier service to distribute your samples. This method is typically used by large corporations that want to get products into the hands of consumers to try out and then purchase at a local store.

Budget: $500 - $2,000 per month