Direct Response Marketing


Follow-Ups Letters

Like follow-up calls, follow-up letters will improve your overall marketing response.


Because many times a future clients will receive your past marketing, wanted what you were offering, but the phone rang. Your offer got covered with other papers during the phone call. More and more papers stacked on your marketing message. Then, a month later, your future client tosses it out. But, your next letter comes to him. It’s an appreciated reminder or your offer. He picks up the phone and calls you.

You owe it to your future client to sell them exactly what they need to solve their problem.

Keep reminding them you are there to help and they will come to you when they realize you can help.
Now, a follow-up letter could be a postcard, birthday card or a thank you note. Follow-up letters send the message that you care and will be their when wanted or needed.

Plan on doing follow-up letters and sit back and watch what happens. You be gald you added follow-up letters to your future marekting plans

Budget: $100 - $200 a week or month depending on how many clients and prospects you have.