Internet Marketing



An e-book is simply an electronic version of a print book, hence "E" for electronic. Most commonly saved as a PDF file so that it is compatible with any computer operating system. PDF files can be viewed and read using a PC and/or a MAC computer.

Saving the e-book as a PDF file is the most universal method. E-books are distributed by sending these PDF files onto a computer and sometimes transferred to e-book reader device.

E-books are also available for distribution by CD, DVD, or from the Internet. The download process from the Internet varies according to the speed of your Internet connection.

Electronic books can be free to download or most commonly purchased at low costs, although most bestseller e-books have similar pricing to that of hardcover print books.

People want e-books because of their convenience. While you can carry a few print books in a backpack or a bag, you can carry over a half a million pages of text and graphics on a single electronic book reader.

There is a great advantage in the interactive e-book world; all you need is an idea and the will to do it yourself. Create an e-book is as easy as creating on Word document and saving it as a PDF file.

E-books are great for selling online. Used as a bonus for another product/service. Given away free or sold as a loss leader.

E-books should be added to your business, marketing and PR plans and added today.

Budget: $1,000 - $2,500 Quarterly

Recommendation Link #1:

 Want a 5-step process for getting that eBook out of your brain? Check out the Sticky eBook Formula.

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