Internet Marketing


Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

For many years the number of visitors was used as a measure of a web site's success. And now the question must be asked: "How many of these visitors perform actions on your web site that you want them to perform?"

As you know any marketing campaign is pretty useless if it generates many visitors but none of these visitors "converted". Converting visitors to subscribers and customers is what most of todays web sites are about. Personally, I think the the only purpose of a website it to get people to sign-up so you can drip market them or to sell them on the spot.

Conversion Tracking is website traffic analytics that measures the effectiveness of a source directing visitors to a web site and persuading them to take a desired action. The source could be a referrer, a search engine, a social media site, a keyword search phrase used or any other method of getting a visitor to your website.

It could also be a demographic of the visitor for instance the country, age, income etc. The action could be the completion of an order page, the sign-up of a newsletter or the downloading of a special report.  The effectiveness is expressed as a percentage called the Conversion Rate.

Conversion Tracking Methods

Website Log Analysis
- The log files generated by the web server on which the web site resides are analyzed. Conversion Tracking reports are generated which are used for analysis.

Conversion Tracking Services - Tracking script is inserted into pages of the web site to be tracked. Page requests from visitors triggers the tracking script which updates some kind of a database at the Tracking service. Authorised personnel log into the tracking service and generate reports which are used for analysis.

Calculating Visitor Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is calculated as follows:

Conversion Rate = Goal Page Requests/Requests from Source X 100%

For instance if 4,000 visitors used the search term "Marketing Plan" to reach your site and 200 placed an order then the Conversion Rate for the search term "Marketing Plan" is 5% [calculated as (200/4,000) x 100%].

When are your going to start tracking the visitors and whether they convert to subscribers and buyers?

Budget: $50 - $350 monthly

Recommendation Link #1:

Try Out Google Analytics Free.
It's web analytics made smarter, friendlier and free.

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