

Card Decks

It dosen't matter what you call them, card decks, action cards, direct-response-postcards, bingo cards or card packets, they can help your business prosper, but only if you create them right.

Card deck mailings are a great way to share the costs on your mailing with other merchants and businesses.

Instead of a postcard costing 50 cents each if mailed solo, you can mail your postcard in an ADVO or ValPack (they are now the same company) card deck for as little as 2 cents each.

And, There are 1000's suppliers of card decks today covering just about any market segment you can think of.

You can find these segments are listed in the SRDS book (Standard Rate & Data Services) available at most public libraries. If your public or college library doesn't have this expensive reference book, your state library will most likely lend one to your local library, and you can view it there.

Or, if you are looking for a new money making ventuer, you can create your own card deck and sell card to other non-competitive business and yours rides along free and you can make a few bucks from the other advertisers.

However, we can honestly say that, of the companies that have told us they simply don’t like card decks or they don’t work. It's usually the case that the cards were poorly written and designed mail piece, and the blame is put on the media, not the creator.

Does Card Deck Advertising Work?   
Yep. But, as in all marketing you'll want to try different formats. Test to learn what brings in the greatest ROI, try something else different, record results, try something else and so on until you get the best return for your dollar.

Advertising in a card deck—or anywhere else—on a one-time basis typically isn't profitable. You'll need to refine your headline and offer over and over again. Swipe ideas, flow and format of cards that have been out there for a few years. They've been there because they work, are profitable, either on the front end or back end, so why reinvent the wheel.

Take your time, write a strong headline, 6-8 intriguing bullets and an irresistible offer and you’ll out-marketing even the most formidable competitor, fast

Budget: Creative: $250 - $1,000 per month; Media: $500 - $3,500 per month