Direct Response Marketing


Ask for Testimonials

Why Ask for Testimonials

Very few people want to be the first in the pool.

Your future clients want to know they can depend on you to deliver on what you promise. What better way to prove you do deliver on your promises then to have your happy clients tell their success stories of doing business with you. Specific stories about saving time or money. Stories of making money with little work on their part. Why it was great and easy to work with you and how you brought extra value to the party.

So, how do you get testimonials?

Simply ask for your client’s opinion. Some clients will give them freely, others you’ll need to bug a bit.

Whenever a client’s sends you a letter or email with positive comments about your products or services, immediately ask permission to use their comments in your marketing.  

The best testimonials are video testimonials because they are the most versatile. You can use them as video on your Website, on DVD’s for distribution for future clients or playing on a PC at a trade show. You can also extract the audio from the video and use on your Website, edited into podcasts or passed out on CD’s. And you can have the audio transcribed to be used in any printed marketing, or again, on your Website or on a testimonial sheet.

Now, testimonials can be edited. Simply cut out the fat and use the meat of the testimonial. Make sure the message or the original meaning is not a changed in any way.

Use full attribution. Mike Campbell, President, Campbell Enterprises, Detroit Michigan is far better than using M.C. Michigan.

Get permission.
Make sure to get permission from your client to use his testimonial in your marketing and plan on using testimonials in every marketing campaign.

Budget: $150 - $250 month